I've been tagged for my very first meme! Thanks Debbie. (I don't know how to link, so click on her name on the right)
Here it is: Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.1. I had my appendix taken out when I was 4 years old. I still remember being wheeled through the doors into the OR and looking up at the doctor before he put the mask on my face to knock me out.
2. I have a very specific way that I like my toast. a)It has to be spread RIGHT after is comes out of the toaster, if it cools down a little I will put new slices in the toaster. (Thankfully Ron doesn't mind eating cooled toast) b) The peaunt butter and jam MUST reach all the edges. A few weeks ago Ron made some toast for me (so sweet), but I had to go back into the kitchen and get a bit more jam so that it reached the edges.
3. I like popping zits. Gross, I know, but I can't help myself.
4. I started walking when I was 9 months old, and I never crawled before that. My
Dad taught me to crawl after I was walking already. I wonder if Naomi will be the same.
5. I love singing along to the radio. I can sing along to almost any song soon after hearing it. The only problem is that I can never remember what the song is called or who sings it, even if I have heard the song a hundred times. This drives me crazy since I can never request a song or win any contest by naming the artist!
6. I have had a few names in my life. Before I was born my Dad wanted to name me Jennifer. I guess he lost that argument because they named me something else :). I spent the first years of my life with a name beginning with E. Then when I went to school my parents decided to change it and enrol me with the name that I now go by "Raine". Go figure. Needless to say this caused some confusion with my Grandparents and members of my extended family. So, I still respond to "E", especially if it comes from my Opa Born.
7. I used to have an imaginary friend named, Rolly. I was four years old by the time my brother came along, so I had to come up with a playmate for myself. He was everything from my son or husband when we were playing house to a student in my classroom, to my best friend. I love that my Dad has a video of me playing with Rolly in our basement. It is priceless.
So now you know 7 random/weird things about me. I want to hear from you... the trouble is I don't know who to tag.. hmmm
Well, as Debbie said, Lurkers this is your chance to DELURK!
I would love to hear your 7 random facts. I tag all my lurkers! So, leave a comment and do the Meme on your blog!